Sunday, December 24, 2006
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
An Unexpected Escapade
November 3-5, 2006

It was on a very hot All Saint's Day in Bulacan when Ate Cha asked about beaches and resorts in Puerto Galera, Batangas and Pangasinan. I remember then my frustration to go to Bolinao when I visited "kapatid" in her hometown in Dagupan last May Pangasinan Post, so i suggested we head for Bolinao.
The moment we arrived home, she searched for possible resorts we can go to and she found Treasures of Bolinao. And right there and then she decided that we'll go there on the weekends.
>> fast forward >>
We were going to ride the 12:30am trip to Bolinao of Five Star Liner in Cubao but there was a sudden change of schedule due to the traffic in Ayala and we thought that the bus going to Bolinao will not pass Cubao so we took the San Carlos trip and praying to catch the Bolinao trip in Tarlac station. And yes, we did catch the Bolinao trip. Good thing there were vacant seats for us. Cost: 400/person

We reserved one Villa, good for 2-4 persons and ate breakfast by the pool. Cost: 2500/night (Villa); 199/person (Breakfast)
We went to the lighthouse after we unpacked our things. It was said to be the 2nd tallest after the one in Ilocos. Around 15-20mins trek from the resort before you reach the place. Unfortunately, there was no gatekeeper that time that's why we didn't get the chance to go inside.

And now, it's Swimming Time! The resort has a nice view of the beach and what I like most is the bridge along the beach heading to the gazebo. A very peaceful place where you can just feel the breeze and hear the sound of the waves. ... sigh ...
At lunch, we ate again by the pool and then had out siesta after that. Then we went to the lighthouse to witness the sunset then back again to the resort for night swimming. We had our dinner then we had a gudnyt sleep afterwards.
The next day, early morning around 6am. The tricycle driver fetch us a

From Dagupan, we rode a van again going to Manaoag. About 20-30min ride. We heard the 10am mass and bought some kakanins after that and ate lunch in a nearby restaurant. Then we rode a van again going to Dagupan then booked for the 1pm trip to Manila of Victory Liners. Cost: 20/person (van)
Around 6:30pm, we arrived in Cubao terminal and then by 7pm, we are home and very tired but satisfied.
Note: (for those planning to go to Treasures of Bolinao)
First, there is no signal for Globe users. You have to go to the lighthouse first to get some signal. They are all Smart subscribers. Also, you have to bring lots of PATIENCE with you. Hopefully you'll never know why. =) There is also a corkage fee in the resort.
To see more pictures, visit my Multiply Site.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Go USTE!!!

Yesterday was the Cheer-Competition in Araneta Coliseum. As usual, everyone is excited who will take home the trophy. I was lucky I had a pass and seated in the Patron seats. I even took some pictures and videos. I had tiger balloon also!!! hehehe.. I took a picture with the UST Mascot. hahaha. =)
To cut the long story short, WE WON!!! woohoo!!! GO USTE!!! GO GO GO!!!
We had the thrown for 5 years already.. and hoping to win next year too.. Hhmm, but come to think of it, maybe it's time to give chance to others?! hahaha.. Sorry for being too proud.
To see the video, it's available in YouTube: UST Salinggawi Dance Troupe Cheerdance
Monday, September 4, 2006
September: My Birthmonth
September begins in western tropical astrology with the sun in the sign of Virgo and ends in the sign of Libra. Astronomically speaking, the sun actually begins in the constellation of Leo and ends in the constellation of Virgo.
In Latin, septem means "seven". The origin of the name may also be attributed to Vedic culture. In sanskrit, Sapta refers to "seven" and Ambar means "sky". "Sapt-Ambar" referred to the seventh sky or month in the Vedic culture. September was also the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 153 BC.
September Birthstone: Sapphire
The September birthstone, Sapphire, is chemically and structurally the same as Ruby - both are varieties of the mineral corundum Sapphires are well known among the general public as being blue, but can be nearly any color except shades of red or pink (since those are called rubies).
The blue color is by far the most popular color for sapphire but orange-pink, golden, white, and even black have generated much interest in the gem trade. Tennis bracelets are available that contain a complete rainbow of sapphire gemstones.
Sapphires are extremely durable (only diamond and moisannite are harder). Artificial sapphire crystals are used are used as the crystal face in genuine Rolex watches, and they are extremely scratch resistant.
credits from wikipedia.com
Sunday, September 3, 2006
Updated Blog at last!
I'll make my new entry hopefully this week..
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Reunion of WYD Delegates

It's been 1 year but the memories are all fresh.
We celebrated our reunion in Bellinis Restaurant in Cubao, QC last August 12, 2006.
Like Ben said, we can't help but get emotional...
Here's a video that Roan made just for the reunion:
Weltjugendtag 2005 Deutschland
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Know me by name...
You entered: kathleen anne madula
There are 18 letters in your name.
Those 18 letters total to 63
There are 8 vowels and 10 consonants in your name.
Your number is: 9
The characteristics of #9 are: Humanitarian, giving nature, selflessness, obligations, creative expression.
The expression or destiny for #9:
The expression that you exhibit is represented bythe number 9. Your talents center in humanistic interests and approaches. You like to help others as you were intended to be the 'big brother or big sister' type. You operate best when you follow your feelings and sense of compassion, and allow yourself to be sensitive to the needs of others. You work well with people, and have the potential to inspire. This suggests that you could successfully teach or counsel. Creative ability, imagination and artistic talent (often latent) of the highest order are present in this expression. It's possible that you're not using or developing all of these capabilities at this time. Some of your talents may have been used at an earlier time in your life, and some may still be latent. Be aware of your capabilities, so that you can make use of them at appropriate times.
If you are able to achieve the potential of your natural expression in this life, you are capable of much human understanding and have a lot to give to others. Your personal ambitions are likely to be maintained in a very positive perspective, never losing sight of an interest in people, and a sympathetic, tolerant, broad-minded and compassionate point of view. You are quite idealistic, and disappointed at the lack of perfection in the world. You have a strong awareness of your own feeling as well as those of others. Friendships, affection, and love are extremely important.
Undeveloped or ignored, the negative side of the 9 expression can be very selfish and self-centered. If you do not actively involve yourself with work that benefits others, you may tend to express just the opposite characteristics. It is your role to be very involved with other people and their needs, but it may be difficult for you achieve this role. Aloofness, lack of involvement, and a lack of sensitivity mark the low road of this expression.
Your Soul Urge number is: 22
A Soul Urge number of 22 means:
The Soul Urge of the master number 22 is very much that of the master builder. You would like to use your abilities in an important humanitarian undertaking, and have an innate desire is to express the significant power you feel in a concrete manner, as a builder, engineer, diplomat, etc. In some way you want to make a considerable contribution to the world.
The 22 gives a broad, universal outlook with a rather practical and common-sense approach. You have especially high intelligence, with an unusual perception and awareness. This number often denotes a high degree of diplomatic abilities and high ideals. You are a very capable person and you may possess special leadership abilities that you can and should develop. People respect you and recognize your superior foresight and vision.
The negative side of the 22 soul urge is a high degree of nervous energy and a tendency to be very dominating. It is unfortunate that all who possess the urge of 22 do not use its energies to the greatest advantage; but then it should be recognized that these energies are understandably the most difficult to focus and direct.
Your Inner Dream number is: 5
An Inner Dream number of 5 means:
You dream of being totally free and unrestrained by responsibility. You see yourself conversing and mingling with the natives in many nations, living for adventure and life experiences. You imagine what you might accomplished.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Friday, June 30, 2006
Tuesday, June 6, 2006

November 22, 1983 - June 1, 2006
"When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found."
-- Sufi Aphorism
Time heals most wounds, so they say.
But you never really get over the pain of a loss
And just try to move on:
Taking everything in stride on a daily basis,
Accepting the fact that you will never
Completely understand when, how or why
Things had to happen.
And yet, thankful that despite the loss,
Life goes on.
And delight in the realization that
God does not leave us empty.
That it was necessary to lose the one thing
We thought we couldn't live without
To gain the very thing that will make life
Worth living.