Saturday, November 22, 2008
Inspirational Song
I hope this song will somehow make you feel better. Always remember that the Lord, our God will never let us down.
Touch Me Now
by: INGGO 1587
There are times when all my dreams just walk away and drift away
And often there to stay
And in this time I feel my world's just crawling down to the ground
I need someone to hold me through it all
I never knew that only you, my Lord, can help ease the pain
If only I would pray
And I never knew I only need the strength and ways to believe
I never knew you can teach me how to live
Touch me now my Lord
And ease the pain inside of me
Give me faith and hope that I may see
Touch me now my Lord
And put my love together once again cause only you can set me free.
Now I know that only you my Lord can help ease the pain
If only I would pray and
Now I know I only need the strength and ways to believe
I know that you can teach me how to live
(Repeat Refrain)
I never thought that you will give your life for me
Now I know I'm sure that there you are
I love I love I love you so much
(Repeat Refrain)
Touch me now
Touch me now
Friday, September 26, 2008
I'm in a MAGAZINE!
The Family Magazine on Leadership
Last August 8, I was invited in a photoshoot for CodeRED Mag. I knew Fr. Armand, SBD, the publisher of the magazine thru our Lenten Recollection in Japan. I was excited because I always wanted to experience photoshoots and being seen in a magazine. (sorry naman, gusto kong maging artista eh.. hahaha.)
As I arrived there, all the "Youth" were there but I was just on time. It was funny because all of them were highschool and college students. (Pasado pa daw akong student kaya okay daw.)
To cut the story short, it was hard doing the photoshoot. I thought that you would just sit and smile and the photographer will do the tricks. Some scenes were around 5 takes before the photogapher liked the shot. We started at 10am and finished around 3pm, but that's only with me on the set. When I left, the photoshoot is still on-going.
When you visit their website, here's the pictures that you will see. My officemates didn't notice me on the first shot (Parent) but was assured on the second shot (Youth).
First Shot

To see my picture inside the magazine, visit my multiply account. :)
I had fun with the group and of course doing the photoshoot. At least I have to cross out one thing in my bucket list. =)
Saturday, May 17, 2008
TINIG entry for the month of April
日本の花見 (nihon no hanami)
the Cherry blossoms in JAPAN
The word for cherry blossoms in Japanese is Sakura. The Cherry Blossoms are believed to exemplify the transient nature of our life and existence, because of their short blooming times. They are so loved that people flock together, spread blankets and sit under trees to enjoy the view that surrounds them. And so thus the yearly festival called Hanami or flower viewing.
I, together with my fellow FTSPians who were sent here in Japan for a business trip, was so privileged to have had shared in this remarkable event in Kyoto. It is an hour train ride from Kobe- the place where we are currently staying. Kyoto is known to be one of the tourist spots in Japan where one can experience Hanami with the different castles and temples as its background.
After having a great time looking at all those varities, we went to the famous Golden Pavilion or Kinkaku-ji. There we witnessed sakura trees though not much as to the temples we visited before. We enjoyed our stay in spite of not being able to go inside because of restrictions. Lastly we visited Nijo Castle or Nijo-jo where we witnessed the “Sakura light-up.” It started at 6 in the evening as the sun sets and it ends at around 10 pm. It is an amazing place where you can just be lost with the grandeur of it all, feel the breeze brushing your face, be thrilled by the sight of the cherry blossoms.
It was a tiring day but it was worth it. I hope one day, i can experience the cherry blossoms again...but now with my special someone. For sure it would be a one of a kind date.
To see more pictures, visit my multiply site: Sakura in Kyoto
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Lenten Recollection 2008
Rokko Island, Japan
I never imagined having my lenten recollection here in Japan. I still want to be in the Philippines during the Holy week. However, this year seems like I can't do my yearly Bisita Iglesia and the processions held during these days. Good thing the Filipino community here in Japan initiated a Lenten Retreat held near our place. It was very fortunate too that the retreat master was a Salesian, Fr. Armand Romualdez, SDB. I am a Bosconian and a Thomasian as well, but I spent most of my years with the Salesian family that's why I am happy to see salesians all over the world.
To start, we had the recollection in West ourt 5, Rokko Island. We rode in a cool train that has no driver on it. maybe that's the reason why it cost higher compared to other train lines. We arrived early and so we helped in preparing the place for the recollection. It was a small studio room of a condominium.
We were about more or less 30 persons that day. When Fr. Armand arrived, I introduced myself declaring I was a salesian past pupil. I'm from Don Bosco Sta. Mesa. After some chatting he mentioned that his nephew graduated in the same school. He asked me if I know Fernandez, BJ Fernarndez to be exact. Haha! Of couse I know him! He was my classmate in 3rd or 4th grade. Can't remember exactly. Imagine?! What a small world.. but sometimes I'm thinking is the world really small or I just happened to know lots of people? eerr.. whatever.
Going back to the topic, the whole day was filled with wisdom, prayer and reconciliation with God. Our main theme is the CIRCLE of LIFE. So, from the title itself we tackled lots of issues regarding life itself. There were lots of points to remember that I can't write it all down. Maybe some of the important points that I would like to share to you. I'll make this in random.
- We are called not just to be stewards but servants.
- "Death gives birth to Life." One must die in order for another being to be born.
- DAD is the one who fives away the seed of life. Therefore, he is the one who dies. This is how life begins.
- MOM is the one who nurtures Dad's dying experience. This is how connections and new life begins.
- "Dying" is the stuff of Marriage.
- Christianity's Principle: To be HAPPY.
- Jesus died on the cross not because he loves us. He died because he loves his Father so much and was obedient to do His will.
- A man needs 9 hugs a day for maintenance purposes.
- TRUST is the enabler of life. It is the basic energy of life.
- In the bible, Jesus said "Do not be afraid" 386 times.
- CHARACTER: integrity, intentions: and CREDENTIALS: capabilities, results defines who YOU are.
- Quitters are people who give up a day before he wins.
- Trust works inside-out. Build trust.
- SACRIFICE is non-negotiable in life. And it begets trust. It is the enchantment of life.
- GRACE builds in nature. So one must have a good nature to feel the grace from God.
- The test of a person7s character is how well he functions in times of crisis.
- We are called to be life-givers.
There are more but I think those are some of the things I can share it with you. I did had a wonderful time reflecting and reuniting with the Lord. However, sometimes it saddens me that I get to do this only during holy week?! maybe I can restructure my life and pay more attention to little things that give meaning to life than other things that is really not needed in life.
Here are some photos during the retreat:
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Lakbayan Survey.. WOW PHILIPPINES!
My Lakbayan grade is C-!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.First try at C na ako kagad.. hehehe..Sige, goal ko maging B..
Well, ginaya ko lang yung blog ni Reg.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Japan.. the second time around!
Well, it's been 2wks since I arrive in Japan together with Steph (my roommate), Raymond and Sir Kit. Tonette followed a week after we fly to Japan. We will be here again for 3 long months. Will be missing Carlo and my friends. Sigh. We just have to do finish our project as well as start a new one I guess. Well, that's work. Nothing else to say.
It's winter season here. The average temperature is from 2-7 degrees. I'm wearing 3 layers of clothes: a thermal wear, regular clothes, and a thick jacket. At first it felt awkward wearing those padded or bubble jacket as they say, but if you're already here and experiencing winter season, you'll be thankful you're wearing one. If not, you'll be freezing to death. I usually wear complete accessories less the bonnet.. the scarf, gloves and jacket.. I'm even wearing tights just to keep me warm. But sometimes, when the wind blows hard, I still freeze!!
Anyway, it's also my first time to stay in DOI Mansion coz last year I stayed in Luminous hotel. It's an apartment with complete home appliance less the TV. Fortunately we have our laptops with us. Here's a sneak peak of our room.

Picture of Me and Steph before going to Office.

I have no adventure yet, very busy during weekdays and time to rest, wash clothes and clean the room during the weekends. I did went to Church last Wednesday to hear mass coz it's Ash Wednesday. And then it struck me.. we will be having our Lenten Season here in Japan. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, we will be working in the Office?!?!? waaaaahh.. I realized that there are lots of Holidays or Events in the Philippines that we would not enjoy. Sigh. Let me enumerate, Ash Wednesday, Valentines Day (oh no!!!), Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday and Easter Sunday (wwwwwwwaaaahhh, the egg hunting!!! huhuhu..), Company Anniversary in FTSP, Team Building in Enchanted Kingdom, Sportsfest in FTSP. wwwaahh.. pretty much huh?! We're stuck here til April.. we just have to accept it.
What else happened this 2 wk stay? hhmmm.. Besides work, err.. nothing else? I went strolling in Motomachi after mass last Sunday then found a great trench coat in Benetton. It's on SALE! From 16800 Yen to 7800 Yen. Beat that?! However, didn't bother to buy even if I really wanted to coz I can't use it in the Philippines. Unless I'm going to Japan or better yet the UK or US every year maybe then I won't have second thoughts buying it. I also found lots of boots here. Look below:
Then I took a photo of myself inside the Comfort Room. haha!

Didn't buy anything, just walked and hoping that will burn some calories. It's been 2wks and I gained weight already?!?!?!? wwwwwwwwwwaaahhhhh.. It's hard to lose weight you know.. sigh.. well, need to think of an alternative to lose weight. hehe.. I can't starve myself here, I need those for our project.. I bet no one can be productive if he/she is hungry, right?
By the way, I had my Nihongo Speech last Friday (2008-02-08) after the morning exercise. It's simple but I did practice the night before but still I didn't deliver it well. At least they did understand. Hehe. It's an anything under the sun speech. I talked about Cooking.
- 英語 -
My topic is about cooking.
I really don't know how to cook.
However, currently I need to cook for lunch.
That's why I cooked.
But my cooking has failed.
Last week, I cooked shrimp with bean sprouts.
I forgot to put the seasoning therefore, it has not taste.
And so, I only ate bread and milk.
Perhaps, before going back to the Philippines, I can already cook.
So simple huh?! But it's hard to deliver it in Japanese!!! Nosebleed!!! hahaha.. my hands are both cold after that. Sigh. Need to prepare another speech for the next 2 wks. It's a rotation basis. Next will be Steph. I wonder what is her topic. Oh well, she's already good in Japanese language. No need to worry. hehe. :)